Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Fyeah Long Distance Relationship

Once a friend said, LDR is next to impossible. It wont work. Fail is what i have to face later on; heart crushes, breaks but i don't care because i know something. When it comes to love, a real one, no matter how far you can go, it’s worth it. Arguments are normal, who wouldn't. We’re just two normal people who wanted to be happy and in love and need each other. i can't be there for my boyfriend like my friends meet up their boyfriends everyday. Being away from you is so difficult. Sometimes I hurt so much from wanting to see you that I can’t stop the tears from falling. I just have to wait till August arrives.

And when the moment comes, i’m gonna hug you and never let you go.

but you always makes me smile even you're not beside me

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