Wednesday, June 29, 2011

it's 7th monthsary :)

One of the hardest things in a long distant relationship is when you argue. When you argue in these types you relationships, you can’t personally make up the next day, you can’t see each other to personally say your sorry and you can’t psychically be there getting a much needed HUG from one another. Yep, it’s one of the greatest challenges I face. A lot of friends ask me, how do you do it? Or, you’re crazy i can’t do long distance! But honestly, distance means so little when that person already means so much to you. True love doesn’t always mean you’re inseparable. True love is also means being separated and nothing changes. I always look forward to the day i get to see him again. I admit, it’s not easy. It’s not easy seeing my couple friends together, it’s not easy having things in my room that constantly remind me of you ,it’s not easy just receiving text messages or hearing your voice every night on the phone and it’s definitely not easy when we’re arguing.

Now that i think about it, distance is the last thing i should even be measuring in this relationship; measure my love, and that’s something i can’t even measure myself.

Today is my 7th monthsary with my future husband, and start from today i counting down the day i will meet him on August 2nd :D

So who says long distance relationships don’t work though? Look at me! Just think of it this way, missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.

this is my eyes and his mouth into one.
would it be our son's face like that?

Meeting you was destiny.

becoming friend with you was a choice.
but falling in love with you...
i had no control over

happy 7th monthsary, honey
i love you yesterday, today, tomorrow
and forever...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

YOU makes me different to be better :)

“Sometimes the things you want the most don’t happen and what you least expect happens. I don’t know - you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed, forever.” -Jamie Randall

i'm totally agree with that quote because that happens to me right now.
i never imagine i'll meet a boy that will makes me feel comfortable,
love the way i am and treat me as well.
then i met him ( now he's my boyfriend )
i never know him before and i don't know him at all even tough i ever saw him at campus.

everything happens with unpredictable as strong as the love we have
we are going crazy in love each other
i don't know how i lived without him for as long as i have

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Worst Night :(

Tonight was the worst night I ever spent with my boyfriend,
I shouted to him over the phone and he responded it !
I said something with high voice, I cried and I guess he doesn't care :(
That moment is the moment that i hate,
felt he didn't care about me, felt his affection was reduced
( I hope that i was wrong )
( AGAIN ) this happens because of a misunderstanding.
really hate this situation :'(

I finally express all my miserable feelings,
say all that is on my mind and how wonderful he is,
responds with calm and without emotion.
he knows and understands my situation was really just want to be heard
and then he was comforting me even through the phone.
Yeah, long distance relationship makes me sick
because i want to hug him in this situation and i can't :'(

i don't know why this misunderstood always arise
between me and my boyfriend.
i hope it happens only when we're in long distance relationship
until the end of July.
long distance is really really not easy when misunderstood arise.
it's sooo miserable.

Beberapa orang berkata :
"Sesuatu yang berlebihan itu tidak baik, begitu juga dengan mencintai seseorang dengan begitu mendalam karena bila kita mendapatkan sesuatu yang kita tidak harapkan dari seseorang yang sangat kita cintai, akan sakit rasanya"

Tetapi bukankah itu mustahil untuk tidak mencintai begitu dalam terhadap kekasih kita?

Aku mencintai dirinya yang penuh kelembutan,
bahkan perasaanku ini mungkin bisa mengalahkan semuanya.
Perasaan ketika aku kecewa padanya,
ketika aku marah padanya,
ketika kesalahpahaman terjadi.
Aku juga tidak bisa mengurangi perasaan ini atau bahkan mengubahnya.
Semuanya karena aku merasakan betapa dia sangat menghargai dan mencintaiku apa adanya.

it's just us versus the time and distance,
but i believe and i know we will win !

Friday, June 3, 2011

HAPPY 6th MONTHSARY ( June, 30th )

now at 30th again!!!!

I think I’m just excited to see him on next 2 month.

I missed him more than words can say.

There’s so many things I love about him, actually I love everything about him.

I love his smile and his face and I think he’s cute when he’s grumpy

and that seeing him instantly makes me feel better.

I love his voice and his scent.

I love that he loves me.

I love his sense of humor.

I love the way he talks.

I love how he’s so nice, so loving and so caring.

I love his brilliance.

I love how we have so many things in common and

yet are so different from each other.

I like how he corrects my mistake

and teach me to be a good girl in this wild world.

I love the way he told ‘i love you’ word for me.

i love the sound of his laughter.

I loooove how perfect his kisses on my forehead.

I love seeing him on cam.

I love how he knows me more than anyone else ever.

I love all the plans we have together when we’re older.

I love how he’s constantly on my mind.

We’re my favorite couple.

I love how amazing he is.

I love how he always understands me and accept the way i am .

I love our nick name and also the ‘unyu inyi minyi’.

I love calling him mine and my man.

I love how lucky I am to have found him.

I love that I have his heart.

I love being his girlfriend.

I love being able to tell people that he’s my boyfriend

and also my future husband.

I love how he’s always the one I can depend on.

I love how he loves me for me and takes me for who I am, even though I complain a lot about everything that is wrong with me.

I love how I’m going to spend my life with him :)

"i can honestly say you are the only one for me,

even trough the down moments, we still come out as strong as ever.

i can not imagine my life without you.

i love this feeling with you.

it's already 6 month we are being in love,

4 month we are in long distance relationship,

we can overcome those 734 miles

now we have next 2 month again to face this long distance relationship"

We were crazy about each other

Happy 6th monthsary, my beloved man :)