Saturday, February 5, 2011

my board house, reminds me of you :)

This blog will tell you about part of my room that always remind me of you. Today i come back to my board house after your departure to Balikpapan and i realize that for 6 month later you would not come here :( so here they are...


Do you know why i put this Acer Aspire 4930 to our memories? My laptop with the solitaire game? Yeah, because in this spot you asked me “Do you want to be my girlfriend? Do you want to have a relationship with me?” i didn’t believe when you’re said that. I just tough you’re kidding me because ‘how come a boy ask a girl to be his girlfriend while he play the solitaire?’ hahaha but i knew you’re just too nervous like i did. That’s my romantic awkward moment even tough without a rose, without a back sound, without a chocolate, ONLY YOU AND ME :)


This is my favorite spot, we spend all day long together, we have a tickle fight, we have a nap together, laugh and cry together. There are so many memories about us and i will never forget it. when you hold my hand for the first time, when you kiss my forehead for the first time, when you hug me for the first time. Do you remember in my bed also you said ‘I LOVE YOU’ a few day before your departure to Balikpapan?hahaha as you know, i already wait you to say that words after the first day you and me become WE :)


See that two brushes? The white striped green one is mine and the orange one is yours :) i don’t know why i still put your brush, it makes me feel like you are here, use that brush. Hahaha maybe i will change your brush when you are come to my board house again.


Hey sayang, this is your tazmania towel right? You always use this towel after you take a shower in my board house and also after you take Wudhu. This towel smell like YOU . hmmmm :p


You leave your jacket in my board house, it’s very useful for me. It’s warm me when i get cold, it makes me feel like i hug you even tough you are not here :(


This is the most favorite stuff in my board house. 2 sajadah, 1 mukena for me and 1 sarong for you. Alhamdulillah, we are Muslim couple. I’m very great full to ALLAH SWT, because you are not only could love me with your heart but also you could be my priest. You always teach me how to not afraid with other except Allah SWT, you always teach me how to be a good girl in a wild world with this. YOU are THE ONLY ONE MAN ( after my father ) do that !


There are so many spot in my board house that always remind me of you. There’s our little secret too :p I hope you always remember me, even tough we are in long distance relationship. I hope our love strength will keep our faithful :) i’ll be missing you, dear. And i’ll wait you come to my board house on August :)

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