Thursday, February 17, 2011


2 days ago, February 15th 2011. it was my birthday...
I am very grateful for my birthday this year coincides with the birthday of Prophet Muhammad.
This year was very meaningful, because Allah has given me so many experiences that are very valuable in my life, and I can turn myself into a better life in this 20th year.
even though my family can not exist on my birthday, but I'm sure they wished all the best for me.
My bestfriend give a surprise birthday cake ( REDVO and CHIPAU ) and i love it so much !
Everybody said "Happy Birthday, Angel. Wish you all the best" . i appreciate it !

this birthday cake from my best freind, Redvo

after i got a surprise birthday cake from my Redvo, the 2nd suprise i got from my Chipau ( Adi, Yono, Zahra ) with Rendy and Restu but i forgot to take a picture a birthday cake from Chipau :( it was a cappuccino cheese cake, sound delicious right? :))))

and last but not least, before i got all surprise from my best friend. My boyfriend ( Faisal Rachman ) give me a very special wishes.

actually, it's sooooo sad when i've my birthday but he's not beside me but i understand with this LDR :( and i realize that a few day before my birthday. you know what? even tough he's not beside me but he's successful makes me feel like he was here, he makes me sooooo happy because he always there to give me a BIG STRENGTH and he makes me everyday i fallin' love with him :))))

oh what i miss him so much :'(

Thank you for the 2 surprise birthday party ( Redvo and Chipau ), thanks for all the words and wishes from all friend, and thank you for always love me until this day ( Faisal Rachman )

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