Tuesday, July 14, 2009

about REDVO ;)

Remembering every moment that we spent together,
Those silly arguments over every silly matter.
For some reasons we are stocked to each other
Tho u don`t know me well and i don`t know u either

Days passed and months too, indeed even years
We remain the same, threading our own different lane
But surprisingly in each other`s list we stand still
Not knowing what kind of future does bring

As we continue to go on and live in our own world
Almost forgotten that we keep our means to contact each other
Until that fateful day, i was lost, broken in my wander
In amazement i was enveloped with joy when i see u right there

Never in my wildest dream did i expect the twist in our story
We have no good memories other than our endless debate
Surprisingly u were there to stand for me and instantly protected me
I never forget that day because it was the start of a sweet journey

How could i ever thank you for the unmeasurable love u poured
God is so good that He gave a valuable rewarding heart to hold
Someday if i could have that chance i will repay back in sweet favor
The loving heart of a friend that never change in any situation.

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