Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Suck it up and pull it in.
That’s what you always told me,
“Over emotional, crazy girl.”

Smile and say “I’m Fine,”
when I want to scream in pain.
Frustration causing bones to ache.

Silent tears make an escape,
At night when you’re not there.
You don’t see how weak you’re making me.
Although I’m sure you know,
You just don’t give-a-shit.

Bruises show up everywhere,
And I pretend I don’t know,
Where they came from,
Or how I got them.

Giving everyone a free show.
Pretending every second.
Not knowing who I am anymore.
My life, like a lie.

To strangers I am hurt.
To people I am a klutz.
To family I am insane.
To friends something’s wrong.
To you? To you I am nothing.

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