Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why can't that be me?

Watching my life go by
Each strand at a time
Some strands cut off mid way
Saying that life has ended
Those are the ones that make me cry
But the one that stands out most
Is mine

The colors are odd
Some dont go together
The outside strings
They are all so bright
Yellow, orange, green
What happened to the inside?
Its so dark and scary
That cant be me
Grays, blacks, deep crimson

What happened to me?
No one knows
I look at all the faces that go with the strings
And they are so happy
Why cant that be me?

I see the ones that are swirled together
Just like one
Those are the happiest, the brightest
Its a weird color, the color of love
Their strings are all that color
Why cant that be me?

I see all the kids
So happy and free
I see the couples
So loving and caring
I see the parents
So gentle and kind

Then i see me
My darkness is all i see
No happiness
No love
No kindness
Why does this have to be me?

They are
so happy
So free
So kind
So loving
So loved
So gentle
So caring

Why cant that be me?

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