Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Walls will never Fall

My walls have been broken down a couple times
And now there built up once again
Ready for an army
But not even an army could break them
It’s a waste of time to say you want to get in
Because I’ve learned over the years that its not a good idea
My walls have no doors or windows
There is no way to get in
They are not going to crumble
So do me a big favor and don’t waste your time

Because every second my walls grow stronger
With every hate filled glare they grow thicker
And with every word that is meant to hurt me they grow taller

Maybe if you would have caught me a little sooner they would budge
But its way to late
I’m locked here
Behind my walls
And i honestly don’t mind
Because when those glares and words cant reach me
I am grateful for my walls

So just give up now
Please your making this hard on me
Just back off
And leave me be

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