Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Suicide

I cannot take the shit you bring
You’ve left me no choice
There is nothing else I can do
I’m never happy and neither are you
I’ve given it some thought
Hoping to find another way out
But suicide is my only path
As I’m sitting here wishing
That things would be better
I drive myself insane
Knowing that this is it
For you and me
I begin to make little cuts
But my anger grows
To the failure I’ve become
Harder and deeper the cuts go
Blood getting everywhere
I begin to feel relief
My arms full of blood
My legs soon to be next
As I lay there
On the bathroom floor
The noises from behind the door
Begin to fade away more and more
Images of us begin to flash through
I become weaker and weaker
My vision begins to blurr
tears running down my cheeks
Knowing that its over
Never again will there be
A you and me
As my life comes to an end
I breathlessly say
I love you

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