Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dark Lullaby

Also wanting to give you a good scare
In the night
Always wanting to give you a good fright
Everyone suffers
Everyone dies
But why is it still they lie
In the night
But still in this world we fight
And also there is the hellish sight of murder
But the dark souls are consumed by the Reaper
In this world
One lushish kiss
Will throw us into the horrible abyss
And with one last breath
We are given death
The darkness rages in our minds
Killing us all from the inside out
Yet we always fill our lives with dought
Still we try to be happy
But most of us look eerie
So all of us die
All of us lie
In this little lullaby
After you read
We all will surely die
As this tale comes to an end
So with our lives with it
And now i stay in my emotional shell
Now goodbye
And Ill see you in Hell….

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