Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Even After All These Thing

I still remember your presence
And the way you comforted me so perfectly
And even after all this time
I still remember you secretly

The vision of your face
Still haunts me in my dreams
I’ve tried to forget you
How impossible it seems

You’ve forgotten me long ago
And you live with no regret
I’ve tried to move on
But I’m still stuck in this net

I just want to forget you
And all the things you’ve said
I just want to lie down
And keep you out of my head

How am I supposed to move on?
When I could have something that’s yours
A part of you could live within me
And you still keep me behind closed doors

Not once have you shown interest
Not once have you ever tried
What if it ends up being your child …
Are you still going to run and hide?

I once told you I wouldn’t keep it
And that I just couldn’t deal
But the farther along I’ve come
The more I notice it’s real

How could I give up something I love?
Is that what you expect me to do?
I could never do something so selfish
Because that would make me as bad as you

Even after all these things
I can’t bring myself to hate you
All I know is that I hate
Not being able to forget you

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