Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my give to you

Blue is for the color of the ocean
Where I sat and watched you drown
Your screams carried away by hunger seagulls

Red is for the blood I donated to the earth
Each cherry drop in vain
For you understanding nothing
Of my mind

Black is for...
Well black is for me
My place to hide
My ebony gown
That enhances each smokey ring
Of my beauty

White is for the divine
A color I know not of

Yellow is for the color of my fingertips
After a night of dancing cigarettes
One after the other I gave them life
Then took it away
Oh what power

Purple is for the flawless sunsets
That I watched alone
Predisposed with inquires
Of stomach twisting abandonment

You asked me to justify my actions
With words
An impossible task
For one who rants and raves
Like a mad lover
Cracking knuckles and
Grinding teeth

So I abducted God’s rainbow
His promise of peace
And slit its candy coated throat
Draining each vibrant pigment
And painted a picture
Just for you

Don’t look so surprised

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