Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Saddest Moment

you’ve hurt me so much
you don’t even know

you kicked me when i was down
stomped on my heart

you’ve killed me emotionally
i’m a walking body of sadness

i’ll fade away into nowwhere
you’ll hear my voice whisper in the wind

walk a mile in my shoes
see the bomb you’ve set off

the burning destruction
the ruins of my heart

every smile you give me
drives the knife deeper

i can’t deal with you
you’ve fucked my life

how many times must i hurt myself
before you relize you’ve hurt me

you’ve dug me and early grave
but i put myself in it

deep thoughts of me and you
i cut myself to free them

you tell me you don’t love me
i’m done, i’m dead to you

i hate my life
fuck you, fuck everything

i’m so done with life
i’m ready to die

i take an entire bottle of tylenol
and cut your name in my arm

i feel my body dying
my mind so scared

passed out, dying
puking blood , dead

brought back to live
left in a daze

as i wake up in my hopsital room
i can’t stop shaking

deemed insane, locked up
locks with absent keys

everywhere i go, i’m reminded of you
and the attempt i made at my life

i’m up shit creek with out a paddle
i give in and go with the flow

a shadow amung the masses
i reach out to noone

i’m so dead, i could put a gun to my head and not be phased

i’m so deep in self pity
i’ll never get out

twist the knife in my back
so i can feel something

i piss my life away
stuck in this depressing haze

i’m drowning in a sea of dispair
you’re depreiving me of a life line

you’ve done this to me
don’t you feel proud

when you see my name in the obituaries
i hope you feel victorious

open your eyes and see what you’ve done to me
you’ve broken my heart and thrown me down

i stand on this chair
and put the rope around my neck

as i get ready to step off
my life flashes before my eyes

i press pause
and close my eyes

as i step off i relize
i love you but i hate you

rope taut
lifeless swing


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