Thursday, July 16, 2009

Starlight Memories: Shadow Star, Forever Stay

Without the Darkness there is no light.
Without the Darkness there is no night.
Without the Darkness there is no fear.
Without the Darkness I wouldn't need you here.

So I'll pray for the Darkness every night,
And wait for It during the day.
For without your love It would consume me all,
But It can't with your love standing in the way.

So stand beside me always,
Don't leave me in the dark.
If so, it would claim me easily,
For I already bear it's mark.

It used to make my life its home,
But you drove it away once more.
Now its waiting for another chance,
To take over and even the score.

I won't give it that chance again,
But I need your help to keep it at bay.
So shine bright my Star, with all your love,
And together we can keep it away.

You're my light, always shine.
You're my sun, always rise.
You're my heart, always beat.
You're my victory, and Its defeat.

The Darkness within shan't return,
It will stay deep down, caged by you.
Never again to rear Its ugly head,
Because you, my light of day, always shines through.

So I shall pray that you will stay in my Sky,
Forever and always, shining bright.
My Shadow Star, my love, my life,
The Day in my soul, chasing away the Night.

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