Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Play The Doll

Ignorance is bliss, and I choose to ignore that you don't want me.
You play with me like a child's doll.
You race through my veins whenever I think of you.
Heart pounding when I think of what we've been through.
Electricity whenever it's just the two of us.
No where in between, this is truly love.

You make me weaker in the knees
everytime you're close to me.
You make me yours with a bat of those lashes.
When we say goodbye you can see it as it crashes.
My emotions lose control
when goodbye is on its roll.

I think of you even as I sleep.
You say that I am yours and I can't disagree.
You pull me along like a puppy on its leash.
Go where you want, and I'll follow your lead.
If you leave me in the cold at night,
I'll wait on your step 'til you wake in the morning light.
It brings another day
for you to play.

For you I'll take any pain.
Tell me to go, and I'll stand in the rain.
You call me a bitch, and you say that I'm insane.
By tomorrow I'll be your toy doll again for play.
I'm your toy doll, I'm your favorite Barbie.
You don't have as much fun with the other fish in the sea.

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